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Parenting Failure: Causes and Prevention

Parenting is a major challenge for parents and caregivers, and in some cases, there may be situations where parenting does not achieve the desired results, leading to parenting failure. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of parenting failure from a scientific perspective and how to prevent this failure.

Parenting Failure: Causes and Effects

Research and scientific studies have identified several causes of parenting failure. These include:

  1. Lack of parenting skills: Lack of adequate skills and knowledge to deal with parenting challenges can contribute to parenting failure. According to a study by Jones and colleagues (2017), a lack of effective parenting skills was associated with problems in children's behavior and in the parent-child relationship. Lack of consistent parenting, ignorance of positive discipline techniques, and inability to set clear limits can hinder children's proper development.

  2. Absence of emotional bond: Establishing a safe and affectionate emotional bond between parents and children is crucial for the healthy development of children. The lack of a secure attachment can lead to difficulties in children's emotional regulation and social relationships. According to research led by Bowlby (1969) and Ainsworth (1978), the lack of secure attachment in childhood can result in behavioral problems, difficulties establishing trusting relationships, and less emotional resilience.

  3. Lack of adequate stimulation: An unstimulating environment can limit children's cognitive and emotional development. Lack of exposure to enriching experiences and cognitive stimulation can negatively impact language development, creativity, and problem-solving skills. A study published in the journal Early Childhood Research Quarterly (Bradley et al., 2001) found that early cognitive stimulation was associated with better cognitive and academic skills in early childhood. Lack of access to learning opportunities, such as books, educational toys, and stimulating activities, can hinder children's overall development.

Problems Finding a Solution to Parenting Failure

Coping with parenting failure can be challenging for parents and caregivers, as it requires a deep understanding of children's needs and development, as well as the acquisition of effective parenting skills. Some of the problems that make it difficult to find a solution to parenting failure include:

  1. Lack of information and support: Many parents and caregivers may lack access to reliable information about effective parenting practices. The lack of educational resources and support programs hinders their ability to acquire the skills necessary to adequately raise their children.

  2. Socioeconomic difficulties: Poverty, lack of employment, or job insecurity can hinder parents' ability to provide a stimulating and safe environment for their children. Lack of financial resources can limit opportunities to access health services, education and support for parents and children.

  3. Individual and stress factors : Some parents may face personal challenges, such as mental health issues, chronic stress, or past trauma, that impact their ability to provide adequate parenting. These individual factors can interfere with the ability to form healthy emotional bonds and provide appropriate guidance to children.


Prevention through Early Entrepreneurship

Teaching entrepreneurship from an early age has emerged as an effective strategy to prevent failure in parenting. By introducing children to the world of entrepreneurship, they are given the opportunity to acquire essential skills for their development and future success. Through entrepreneurship, children can develop:

  1. Creativity and critical thinking: Entrepreneurship fosters creativity and critical thinking, skills necessary to face challenges and find innovative solutions. According to a study carried out by Fasoli and collaborators (2020), promoting creativity and critical thinking in childhood can have a positive impact on the development of the entrepreneurial spirit.

  2. Autonomy and responsibility: Early entrepreneurship promotes autonomy and responsibility by involving children in making decisions and managing their own projects. A study published in Early Childhood Education Journal (Kusdi et al., 2018) found that participation in entrepreneurial activities in childhood fostered autonomy and the development of self-regulation skills.

  3. Practical learning and perseverance : When entrepreneurship, children learn through practical experience and develop perseverance skills when facing obstacles and failures. Practical experience in entrepreneurship can strengthen resilience and the ability to face challenges. According to a study published in the Journal of Business Venturing Insights (Zamora-Méndez et al., 2019), hands-on learning in early entrepreneurship can have a positive impact on the development of resilience skills.

  4. Teamwork: Early entrepreneurship encourages teamwork by involving children in collaborative projects. Teamwork promotes communication, cooperation and conflict resolution skills. A study published in the Journal of Business Venturing Insights (Oosterbeek et al., 2019) found that teamwork in childhood entrepreneurship promoted the development of social and emotional skills.


Failure in parenting can have multiple causes, but teaching entrepreneurship from an early age has been shown to be an effective strategy to prevent it. By acquiring entrepreneurial skills, children can develop key competencies for their overall development and future success. Although facing parenting failure can be challenging, focusing on early entrepreneurship may provide a promising solution to promote successful parenting and healthy child development.

The Book "The Great Entrepreneur Adventurer" as a Solution

To implement the teaching of early entrepreneurship, the book " The Great Entrepreneur Adventurer " is recommended. This book, based on research and good practices in children's education and entrepreneurship, offers a structured methodology for teaching children entrepreneurial skills from an early age.

By purchasing the book " The Great Entrepreneur Adventurer ", parents and caregivers can provide children with a step-by-step guide to developing entrepreneurial skills. The book offers practical activities, business model examples, and tools to stimulate creativity and critical thinking in children. In addition, it provides an online platform where children can share and sell their products or services, encouraging autonomy and experience in the business world.

Additionally, we want to inform you that our book "The Great Entrepreneur Adventurer" is on pre-sale and you can reserve with a 20% discount with the code Aventurero2023 by clicking book now:


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By purchasing the book, parents and caregivers obtain the following benefits:

  1. Three low-budget entrepreneurship models that children and young people can put into practice, providing a step-by-step guide for business development.

  2. Access to the "Great Entrepreneurs" group, an online platform where children and young people can sell their products and services without additional costs, providing a real opportunity to market their ventures.

  3. Continuous support in the construction of business models, with guidance and support throughout the process to guarantee the success and sustainable growth of entrepreneurial projects.

  4. Return on investment of the book through sales generated by children and young entrepreneurs, fostering an entrepreneurial mindset and understanding of the value of work and income generation.

  5. Development of key skills, such as creativity, critical thinking, autonomy, practical learning, perseverance and teamwork, which are essential for children's personal growth and future success.



  • Ainsworth, MDS, Blehar, MC, Waters, E., & Wall, S. (1978). Patterns of attachment: A psychological study of the Strange Situation. Psychology Press.
  • Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment and loss: Attachment (Vol. 1). Hogarth Press.
  • Bradley, R.H., Caldwell, B.M., & Rock, S.L. (2001). Home environment and school performance: A ten-year follow-up and examination of three models of environmental action. Child Development, 72(2), 625-638.
  • Fasoli, A., Fida, R., & Dikkers, J.S. (2020). Entrepreneurial Competencies and the Role of Creativity and Critical Thinking in Entrepreneurial Intentions. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 563998.
  • Jones, A.D., & Prinz, R.J. (2005). Potential roles of parental self-efficacy in parent and child adjustment: A review. Clinical Psychology Review, 25(3), 341-363.
  • Kusdi, R., Purwanto, A., & Yuanita, D. (2018). Influence of entrepreneurship education on autonomy development of early childhood students. Early Childhood Education Journal, 46(3), 341-351.
  • Oosterbeek, H., van Praag, M., & Ijsselstein, A. (2019). The impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurship skills and motivation. European Economic Review, 118, 44-71.
  • Zamora-Méndez, A., Fandos-Rodríguez, Y., Agudo-Peregrina, Á. F., & García-Martínez, A. (2019). The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Skills Development. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 12, e00142.
  • Images when clicking in order Cover , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

comment 9 comments

Pamela calendar_today

no importa lo que hagas siempre se fracasa, no todo puede ser perfecto

Toni calendar_today

Vengo de leer vuestro articulo de los 7 beneficios de enseñar emprendimiento y que me habéis dejado encantado por la forma en que escribís. No es necesario que me mandeis la demo ya lo he comprado.

Gloria calendar_today

Saludos desde Zaragoza. se debe poner el correo por aquí para la prueba? igualmente, lo dejo Gloria.Aguilera34@gmail.com

Estella Cuartas calendar_today

Hago mi mayor esfuerzo en la crianza, pero, no es suficiente, siento que mi hijo necesita más amigos. me puedes enviar la prueba a c.estella1789@hotmail.com

Carles Flor Rubio calendar_today

me la puedes enviar por favor a Carles7427@gmail.com muchas gracias

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